jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

activar ssh en cisco

Setting SSH on Cisco devices

1) 3560G Switch
Follow these commands to configure ssh2 on newer cisco switches:
  configure terminal
  aaa new model 
  username example-user secret example-password 
  ip domain name example-domain.com
  crypto key generate rsa general-keys modulus 1024
  ip ssh version 2
  line vty 0 X (X-last vty)
  transport input ssh
  wr mem
2) UBR7246
Follow these commands to configure ssh1 on older cisco CMTS.
Warning only ssh 1 and DES supported!!
  configure terminal
  aaa new model 
  username example_user secret example_password 
  ip domain name example_domain.com
  generate rsa general-keys label ssh_key modulus 2048
  ip ssh rsa keypair-name ssh_key
  line vty 0 255
  transport input ssh
  wr mem

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